Joshua 3-6:

Today we finally got the Children of Israel into the Promised Land. They have journeyed so long in the wilderness. Their leader Moses has passed on and they have a new leader. The journey has started much like their exit from Egypt with God telling them to prepare themselves, then they cross the Jordan on dry ground much like their ancestors had done at the Red Sea. They have obeyed and placed the memorial stones and the next thing out of Joshua’s mouth is it is time to circumcise all of the males. I can just imagine how the mass of people must have responded. WHAT??? We have just entered into enemy territory and you want us to make ourselves weak and vulnerable? Can this really be God’s plan? Just as their forefathers had followed God’s command and cut away the flesh, God was asking this new generation to do the same. And so it was that the people followed God’s plan and chose to humble themselves and trust God. What a great example for us. In our world were everything and everyone tells us to be strong and not let people see weakness or they will take advantage of you God says, depend on Me. He is our strength. Many would say if you a Christian you are weak because you need something or really Someone to lean on. If leaning on the Creator of the Universe is weak I would agree that I am weak, but I choose weakness that He might be my strength. It is like when a small child who is picked on by a bully at school has total peace because they know their big brother has got their back. God has not just our back, but our future, our past and our present. He tell us in Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding but in all of your ways to acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Strength through weakness! It worked out well for Israel and it will for us as well.