Joy, Laughter and a Light Heart

I love when it is time to decorate for Christmas. I have often wondered what was wrong with me lol that I should love it so much. I have pondered what it is about the decorations and just this time of year that I love. I think it is just the light heartedness and really just the playfulness. I LOVE the lights!!!! Jesus is the Light of the World and every tiny sparkling light makes me think of Him and HIS BIRTHDAY!!! After Halloween that is so dark to be able to decorate with brightness and hope makes me thrill with joy!!! I also love the whimsicalness of music and Hallmark movies that always have a happy ever after ending. I love having reminders all over my house of Jesus’s first birthday party with Shepherds. I also include the wise men though they weren’t there at the first party. Jesus’ family may have been like mine who just loved having friends over. 🙂 The playfulness of the season makes me smile and want others to join in the fun!!!! Whether it is dancing around to the fun music or eating way too much sugar it all screams come play with me!!!
If you have lost your joy for this season I challenge you to go back and remember who it is really all about. Jesus, God’s Son sent to this world for you and me. It is a celebration of Him and His life! If that isn’t enough go watch children as they play. See their joy as they talk about Christmas. Oh for Pete’s sake go grab some lights and throw around a little evergreen and enjoy the smell and glow. Jesus is life everlasting and He is light! If all else fails, go to Walmart, buy some divinity and come home to a fire in the fireplace and Christmas movie or soft music playing. Just have fun and ask the Father to return to you the Joy of what He has done in saving you!