Judges 6-9

Did your mom teach you “Don’t judge the book by the cover”? Mine did. She was saying you can’t evaluate worth by just looking on the outside. God showed us this in living color as He chose men like Gideon and David. Here is how Gideon describes himself, 6:15And he said to him, “Please, Lord, how can I save Israel? Behold, my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.” God said that Gideon was a Mighty man of valor. When God called Gideon it is as though Gideon looked around and said “Who me??” God chooses who He chooses. Sometimes it makes no sense except that God sees in that person what he or she will become even if they are not there yet. In Gideon’s case God chose him and Israel to show His great power through. With just 300 men they routed the enemy and God’s name was made great once again. Instead of telling God why you can’t take on the task He has for you choose to trust that if He has called you He will fight with and for you. Don’t be afraid to say yes to His call. He who has called you is faithful and He will bring it to pass!