June 8, 2012

Day 5
Please read Luke 23:44-49. Describe the scene and what happened.
In your description did you include where the curtain of the temple was split? This curtain was a very holy piece of cloth that separated the rest of the temple from the most holy place. This was the part of the temple that was visited only once a year by a priest who was pure, and righteous. The Holy of Holies was behind the curtain and the Ark of the Covenant representing the place where God met man was contained there. When Jesus died, human hands from the bottom to the top did not tear the curtain. It was torn from the top to the bottom by the hand of God. He was representing that no longer was there a gulf between God and man. Jesus bridged that gulf by His death and that God no longer resided in that Holy of Holies, but He now would live in the hearts of men and women who believed in Him.
We can know the existence of God now not just by what we see in nature or read in His Word. We can know His existence by trusting Him and asking Him to reside within us. I love hymns. The chorus of one says,“He lives, He lives Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. He lives, He lives salvation to impart. You ask me how I know He lives, HE LIVES WITHIN MY HEART.”
If you have never asked Jesus to be your Savior and Lord stop and do that now. Close your time with Him today thanking Him for the assurance of your salvation and that He lives in your heart today.