Leviticus 1-4

If you are reading your bible through with us I am so proud of you for getting to this point. You are doing well. Keep up the great work. The next few days may be the most challenging yet because Leviticus is filled with laws, offerings, and things that make little sense to us now, but they were for the best of those Moses was trying to lead. Many will deal with health issues, cleanliness, and proper treatment of each individual. The different kind of offering like we studied today are all gruesome sounding, but before Jesus came there had to be a blood sacrifice for the sins of the people. Today some things about those sacrifices that stood out to me was that each time hands were laid on the head of the sacrifice acknowledging the sin that had been committed. It makes me very thankful that I don’t have to go to a certain person, place or thing and place my hands on it as I confess. My confessions are to be made to my heavenly Father and He hears and forgives me of my sin, but that is only done because of what Jesus did for me. The other thing that jumped out to me was that each time an animal sacrifice is mentioned one of the things that God reserved for himself was the animal’s fat. I wonder why? I know when I am grilling the fat makes the fire burn more intensely I wondered if that was it. Many way also that putting fat into meat makes it taste better. I am not sure about that I know God reserved it for a reason even if I don’t understand. Which brings me back to my original point, there are going to be many things in Leviticus we will not understand, but God placed it in the bible for a reason, so lets journey thought this together and each day look for something God is teaching us.