Leviticus 15-18

Set apart… That is what God wanted for his people then and for us today. He did not want His people to be like those in the land who had been ungodly whether they were sacrificing their children to Molech or having sex with someone or something other than their wife or husband. This is where so many point to saying same sex is wrong, but God lists many more than just same sex as being wrong. God’s purpose was that His people would follow Him and He said don’t have sex with family, animals, as well as someone of the same gender. Leviticus 18:24 “Do not make yourselves unclean by any of these things, for by all these the nations I am driving out before you have become unclean, 25and the land became unclean, so that I punished its iniquity, and the land vomited out its inhabitants.” Does it mean that God doesn’t love these people or can’t forgive them. NO. It just means God knows what is best and he has commanded us to not chase after our own lusts but to follow His way. So God’s plan is for a man and woman to be united and the two become One. Anyone who chooses to go outside his or her marriage vows chooses disobedience to God. To go outside will cause trouble in the home, trouble in the community and even trouble in the land. I wonder if that is part of what is wrong with America because we have chosen our own path and trouble has come our way. I pray the land will not vomit us up, but the darker our society becomes with evil the more likely it is to happen. Sorry to be such a downer, but sin is sad and as the bible tells us it makes us unclean. We have a separation from God. BUT Jesus paid for our sin and longs for us to ask for forgiveness, turn back to what we know He longs for us to do, and be right with God again.