Leviticus 5-7

The scriptures we read today reminded me of the seriousness of sin whether it is known or unknowns. The people had to offer a sacrifice even if they had not been aware of the sin they committed at the time. Our sin whether we realize it or not always puts a barrier between us and God. He is Holy and no sin can exist in His presence. When sin enters the picture it becomes a barrier between us and Him. That is why confession is such a big part of our prayer time. It is not to make us feel bad, guilty, or unworthy. It is a time of cleansing to open fresh the passage way between us and God. With no sin blocking our path, there is open and clear communication not just to God but also from Him. In Leviticus once the offering for sin was made the path was clear to hear from God and He would forgive their sin.
One last thought. I wondered as I was reading how many sacrifices daily must have been offered because I know my own heart and I would have had to have a lot of animals to offer. In the latter part of the reading it answered my question because they fire for the offerings never went out. I am thankful my prayer connection with God never “goes out” as well. He is listening for me day and night. I am so grateful for what Jesus did for me on the cross that I may be forgiven and made right once for all.