Our Baby is Married

12289526_645486735555120_6066127941056284077_nA week ago today we were sitting in a cool light wind brushed with sunshine as my husband walked our only daughter down the aisle. We had worked so hard to get everything done. I say we because God poured out His love on our family through friends we have invested our life in. Friends decorated beautifully with maps, globes, old suitcases, lace, candles, fresh flowers and so much more. Another set of friends prepared the food. There were vegetables, fruit, cheese, trail mix as a take home gift and so much more. The cakes were amazing made by yet another precious friend. I cannot imagine anything being more beautiful than the Barn at Shady Lane that was anything but a place for animals. Even it was a gift from God to us as it was open to be used that day and our friends, the owners, were gracious in every way. At the end of the wonderful day precious friends also helped clean up until everything was in a vehicle and headed back to its specific place. We came away exhausted but absolutely blown away by God’s goodness through our friends and family.
Gene’ was a beautiful bride! I can’t imagine anything more precious than both of her grandfathers, her three brothers and her dad doing the ceremony! Each had words of encouragement and challenge for Gene’ and Zach. There were many laughs and even a few tears as each challenge the couple to live a life and a marriage that looks like Christ and the Church.12310036_645487985554995_7975740931552138529_o
The point at which the day really dawned on me was when they spoke their vows and exchanged the simple gold bands. At that point it was like “wow, this is really happening.” When Les got choked up telling Zach he now would be her protector and provider, we all wiped tears! To give his daughter away was one of the hardest things he has ever done! Zach must be a special man for God to have chosen him for Gene’.
Now that I have caught my breath and rested some I still feel the way I did Sunday evening. We have already had Thanksgiving. Last Saturday and Sunday as our family and friends poured out their love on us through serving us we thanked God over and over and over! At the end of the day we just kept calling out to God the names of person after person who had blessed us by their service and their presence that day.
Thank you to everyone of you. We will be forever grateful!

Video highlights of Gene’ and Zach’s Wedding can be viewed at the following link:  https://vimeo.com/146711467