Proverbs 17-20

“Silence is golden” Have you heard that said a few times? I am sure every parent of a talkative child has thought it. lol Proverbs 17 puts it this way. “27 Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.
28 Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.”
It is not just the lack of noise that is valuable, but the lack of words that are not wise. Have you ever wished you could take something back that you said in anger? Maybe you have wished you could grab back words that were not mean or ugly just not kind or uplifting. If we tell the truth we have all said things we thought later, my mouth spoke before my mind thought. God has much to say in his word about the power of the tongue and how if you can tame it you can tame your whole body. (James) I still wrestle with this on a daily basis, but starting my day in the word and trying to live it helps a lot with the filter of my mouth. 🙂