Psalms 15; 23; 24; 25; 47

On a recent trip to the Middle East we stood on top of a mountain and looked into the valley below. The tops of the mountains surrounding my position were rocky on top, but as you worked your way to the base the valley below was lush. Green grass grew, a still stream of water rested for the herd making its way to the base of the mountain to find refreshment and peace. Along the valley floor were large boulders here and there that would be an easy hide out for predators. As I took in all I saw Psalm 23 kept coming to my mind. Though the mountains above were the right vantage point for control of the valley below, there was great peace in the provision of the valley. As our heavenly Father watches over us, we too can know the peace that comes from trusting Him. We trust His provision, His protection, His mercy, His goodness even when difficult times come we can still trust. So thankful for how God teaches me daily that I don’t have to be looking down from a mountain top in the Middle East I can see His hand at work here today. God, thank you for pouring out your mercies upon me daily. You are Greatly to be praised!