Quiet Time Day 2

IMG_0690Begin by thanking God for what you have experienced the last day or two.

What is one scripture that God has used to challenge you this weekend? Write it here.

Write down one truth that God taught you that you will take home and put into practice.

Are there relationships that you need to make right? Take a minute to write a letter to that person. You don’t have to give the letter to them, but taking time to record your thoughts will allow you to get in mind exactly what you want to say.

Is there a note of encouragement you have been meaning to write to someone? Take a few minutes now to jot that note and give it to them this week.

What is one truth you have thought about this weekend that you would like to share with someone back home? Write it here so you won’t forget it.

Spend the last few minutes thanking God for His presence with you.