Run Your Course

1 Chronicles 20–22: I wonder if we are not seeing David at a time in his life when he is just bored. In chapter 20 we see that he did not go to war when the army did. Instead he chose to stay in Jerusalem. We know later on this will get him into even more trouble with Bathsheba, but here his idle mind gets him into trouble by taking a census. Now there is nothing ungodly about counting people, so the problem must have had to do with his motive for counting them. Even Joab knew that this was not the right thing to do and in doing so half way did his job leaving out entire tribes of people on purpose. In the end David was called on it as well and the decision was very costly for the people of Israel as 70,000 lost their lives.
As I pondered this story and its life lessons for me and us I wonder if the Lord was not saying, keep your eyes on the course set for you. Don’t allow yourself to get burned out or even “retire” from doing what God has called you to do. Rest yes, but stay in the game. One of America’s founding fathers put it this way, “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” Staying engaged in life and ministry keeps us from allowing our heart and mind go to places they should not be. Discontentment is a huge enemy when the mind has too much idle time. So what is the answer? Pray, ask the Father His plans for your day. Then engage. Again rest is good, but too much time with no plan can lead one astray, so keep your eyes on the course and run with endurance the course the Father has for you! Running With You!!!