Salt On My Potato Chips

I don’t know about you, but I like spice! I like salt on my chips! Have you ever tried low salt or no salt chips or pretzels? They crunch but are not much on taste. I am like that in life too. I want spice in life, fun and adventure even if all I am doing is cleaning house, working, going to the grocery or to church. I believe God wants His children to add a little spice to life.


John 10:10 says, “The thief comes to steal kill and destroy. I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.”

More abundantly! Did you see that. With spice!

Colossians 4:6  “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

I think God really likes the idea of spice too! Not the physical kind, but the kind that goes beyond what we see.
So if we are to live life with spice what would that look like?

• Smile: It makes people wonder what you are up to. The peace of Jesus makes you want to smile!

• Speak words of kindness, grace, and love to those around you. Even hard truth can be spoken in love so that people know you truly care.

• Practice spontaneity! When God puts something on your heart do it. When you feel prompted to call or text someone, do it then, don’t wait. When you think, “we should have lunch”. Call then and invite or set a date. When you sense someone has a need that you can help meet, do it. Immediate obedience brings great joy. Delayed obedience can result in you missing the moment to bless or be blessed.

• Create! You may be saying “Hold on here sister I am not the creative type.” I know what you mean, but what I am talking about is more simple. Plant a few flowers and make your own small garden. Rearrange your furniture and give your room a fresh look. Paint an old piece of furniture and give it a new look. If you really are creative arrange flowers for a friend or your home. Paint a picture of something you love. Sit outside and draw or make something with your hands. The possibilities are endless.

Probably the most important thing you can do to add a little spice is turn off the television, computer, phone or whatever your electronic device of choice is and see what God is doing around you.

Initiate conversations with children, friends, or even the people you see in your normal pattern of life. You will be amazed that how many people just want to be seen, and since you will be smiling maybe you can share your smile and your Spice of Life with them. Don’t be like the saltless type, be the sweet taste of Heaven to those you come in contact with today.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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