Lamentations 3:37-5:22: Do you remember getting ready for a test in school? Some of you are so smart you just winged it. Others of us actually had to look over notes, read the text, work on memorization and pray that we remembered everything when the time came. Do you remember being anxious or fearful? Did you know that we still have tests? No not like the ones from High School or College. These are tests of the heart. Our teacher is the Lord, and He tests our heart to reveal anything in them that does not reflect or reveal Him.
Lamentations 3:40 “Let us test and examine our ways,
and return to the Lord!
41 Let us lift up our hearts and hands
to God in heaven:”
It is by God’s standard that we are tested. He has the answer sheet and provides the correction we need. I am so grateful it is not Satan that is the teacher. He would belittle us, condemn us, and tell us what a failure we are. Jesus is not like that. He will express displeasure over our sin and even hold us accountable, but His love far outweighs whatever sin we have committed. Even Israel knew this by experience. His wrath lasted but for a time then forgiveness came flooding in. A loving parent longs for His children to walk in obedience and He will allow discipline until that child gets the message. Then once corrections have been made, they pass on to life abundant! GLORY!!! Thank you Jesus!