Together in Prayer

IMG_0711As we start this last session let me say again how thankful I am that you have persevered to this point. Prayer is the power house that allows us to engage with God and others on a deeper level than we are capable on our own. As we pray God ignites power! The early church knew the power of prayer.
Acts 2:42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Acts 1:14 “All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.

Acts 1:14 happens after they have just seen Jesus ascend into heaven and just before the Holy Spirit was poured out on them at Pentecost. They were preparing to choose a disciple to take Judas’ place, so they went to God to ask Him to reveal who the choice would be. What a great example for us. When we are in need of answers to all of life’s challenges our first call should be to call upon God through prayer to know and do His will.

The apostles taught what they had seen and heard from Jesus. Think of times where the bible records times Jesus prayed. Make a list before you go on then see if we thought of the same ones.

Jesus taught the disciples by his example as he prayed when blessing the food at the feeding of the 5000. He went away to be alone and pray when He had finished feeding them. His practice was to pull away to spend time in prayer. He prayed when he healed Lazarus. He allowed us to overhear his prayer in John 17 as He asked His Father to make the followers one as He and His Father was one. If you need some great encouragement turn to chapter 17 now and see what Jesus was asking for the Father for the disciples but also for you and me.

Let’s take a few minutes to look at a model prayer that Jesus used to teach His disciples. Matthew 6:5-15 Please read through the text considering what Jesus was teaching.

Jesus began by teaching his followers what prayer was not. It is not a spectacle for the consumption of others. It is not about flowery language and impressing others. It is for communicating with God. That is why you start by addressing God, “Our Father in Heaven.” Prayer is a conversation between you and God. As you speak to the Lord acknowledge who He is and his holy or hallowed name. It is not so much about the specific words you use. It is about agreeing with God about who He is. It gives us a right perspective of who He is and who we are. Because of who He is we can trust His will to be done both here on Earth and in Heaven.

When we have conversations with our friends we talk about things that concern us or even bring us joy. That is what God wants for us to do with Him. God desires to hear your requests and your heart about things you don’t necessarily need but just would like to see happen. It is not that He doesn’t already know your needs, but as we voice our requests it is our way of seeing God move in our lives. It also helps us remember God is at work in every area of our lives. He is not a hands off God who is far away making decisions that will determine how our life will turn out. He is a very “hands on” God who even knows the number of hairs on your head. His word says “cast all of your cares on Me, for I care for you.” He cares, He really does and He wants to be intimately involved in your life.
He instructs us to ask for forgiveness and to forgive others. What a great privilege and responsibility this is. The bible reminds us that none of us are perfect. We all fall short of what God wants us to be and do. When we fall short we need to ask Him to forgive us and help us do right. Just as God has forgiven us, we too must forgive others. Verses 14-15 put it this way, 14 “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you,15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Ouch! My forgiveness is incumbent upon my forgiving others. It is not an option but a command. The reason it is so important to give and receive forgiveness is because Satan is standing at the door waiting for us to leave him an opening to step into our lives and cause death, chaos and destruction. Ephesians 6 tells us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, “but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” We are not able to defeat the enemy alone. We need God and His power to defeat this foe. Chapter 6 goes on to tell us 18” praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.” There is a great need to be delivered from evil because in our flesh we are so prone to satisfying ourselves. I, me, mine must be taken off of the throne in order for God’s Kingdom to rule in our lives and to keep the enemy far away! It is a privilege to lift up others who are fighting many of the same challenges we face.
Wow, what a privilege and amazing gift prayer is, but it is not just about us talking and telling God what we think. It is also about listening to His voice and following. Elijah described it as a still small voice that said this is the way, walk in it. Take a few minutes right now to just close the computer and have a conversation with God. If you need a little help take our Matthew passage and pray the prayer given there as your guide. The most important thing is just to spend time talking to God.
Prayer is a gift from God given to us to communicate with God so that we can be one with Him and one with each other. I challenge you to keep studying about prayer but most of all I hope you will practice it daily. Pray on your own, but also consider praying with a group of believers. The bible says where 2 or more are gathered in His name there He is in their midst. The ladies at this retreat are going to be spending time in prayer. We will be praying for you.