Unconditional Love!

1 Kings 6, 7: Anybody out there need a “do over”? You know you start okay and things are going well then somewhere along the path you veer too far one direction or the other and just start getting further and further away from where you know you need to be. It is not a huge step at first, it is just letting the little things slide, then before you know it you are embarrassed to admit you are far away and your pride may even get in the way of admitting your current status. I think Solomon knew that Israel would need a “do over”. In his prayer in 1 Kings he is asking God to restore and renew His relationship with Israel when they come to the realization of how far they are away from God’s plan and ask Him to make them right with Him again. You know it is not just for the days of old, but it is for us today as well. So you are not where you want to be. Here is how you can be. Admit where you are and ask God to forgive you and bring you close again. Just like that He forgives a repentant heart and restores them with love to the right path. Will there still be scars, possibly, but God loves us scars and all. His love is not conditional. His love is eternal.