Wise Counsel

1 Kings 12, 2 Chronicles 10: Who do you take advice from? If your answer is no one, you make be in trouble. 🙂 Being wise in who you take advice from is paramount in making wise decisions. In today’s passage, Solomon’s son Rehoboam did not choose wise counsel. He asked the older and wiser counselors who had served his father their counsel on how to deal with the people. Then he asked his friends and those of youth who had little to no experience. In the end he took the counsel of the younger group though they played on his pride. The cost of taking the wrong advice was that most of the kingdom revolted and was ripped from his hands.
Who we take counsel from matters. To take counsel matters! There is wisdom in listening to the advice of people experienced in what you are attempting to do. It is not about age as much as experience and track record. When looking for wise counsel here are somethings you may want to consider.
* Do they walk in a relationship with Christ?
* Do they have experience in what I am I am attempting?
* Do they have a track record of good decisions?
If the answers to these questions are yes then you may want to take their counsel. If the answer is no you may want to listen but remember they are not the one who is the wisest to follow. In the end, spend more time in prayer than listening to the voice of men and follow His commands.