May God Go With Us

Exodus 33-35; Romans 9:1-21: If you could have power, fame, maybe even fortune, but to have it you would have to do it without your relationship with God, would you do it? Moses was given the option of leading the vast number of people of Israel. He would have power and fame for sure. He was going to the Promised Land so he would have had fortune as well, but God said He would not go with him and the stiff necked people he led. Moses said, NO DEAL! If You don’t Go God I’m not going either! I loved how God called the Children Moses’ people and Moses gave them right back saying Your people to God. They indeed were hard to deal with, but Moses had a heart of mercy and forgiveness toward them and pled for their lives. In the end God’s mercy prevailed as well and they once again would start the trek across the wilderness to That Land.
My favorite part is always when Moses asks to see God’s glory. I am sure there was much of Moses that just did not feel like he could lead this rebellious people. However, with God’s help he knew he would try. I am not sure God did not know Moses was in the middle of needing some reassurance as well. So God’s plan was to hide Moses in the cleft of the rock and cover him there with his hand. He knew Moses could not withstand seeing his face, but he needed to be reassured. So as God walked past Moses’ back shielded in the cleft of the rock God proclaimed who He was.
Exodus 34: 6The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, 7 keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.”
Take a minute and reread who God says He is. I would be like Moses and do just as he did. I would fall on my face and just worship. I feel like that right now. Why would such a merciful and gracious God put up with humans? I have no idea, but I am so very grateful!!!!! To God be the glory! Thank you Lord for loving us and going with us as you indwell us now as believers. We have so much to be grateful for!