Let me introduce you to my Family:
Dr. Les Hughes: My Handsome Husband
Our Parents:
Our Children:

Les (Kyle), Lacey, Lily Page and Haddon Hughes: Les Glenn (Kyle) and Lacey Hughes III were married in May, 2012. They are the parents of our four amazing children Lily Page (born on Page’s birthday and named after her) Haddon, Joy and Lucy. Les serves as the senior pastor at FBC Hartford Al. Both Lacey and Les are strong teachers of God’s word. They love people and spend time daily investing in the lives of those in their community to lead them to know Christ

Luke Hughes: Luke Hughes finished his degree from the University of Alabama and is now a student at Southeastern Seminary in North Carolina. He is getting a masters degree in Biblical counseling. Luke loves having fun and has really enjoyed working with children andcollege ministry.
The Grandchildren:
Page ,
How is you family doing.
We just heard about Les – How is he doing?
I am looking forward to this Friday – I RETIRE
Keep in touch,
Randy Aaron
Hi Page
I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed seeing your smiling face and how you have been ministering to the people at Valley View. I love your genuine warm smile.
Terry and I wanted to also covey to Dr. Hughes (Les) that we really learned a lot from his teaching/preaching Wednesday night. The way he explained Hebrews 11 and how our faith should look to be pleasing to God was so straight forward. Les was able to bring the heroes of faith chapter to life in a very fresh and perspective way. We thank God that he has put both of you here at Valley View to serve beside us. Praying for you and your family in what ways you can say Yes to the Almighty!
Thank you so much! We are so blessed to be a part of the Valley View Family. So thankful Les has gotten some opportunities to preach. God is so good!
Beautiful Family.