Genesis 39-40, 2 Chronicles 9, John 10:22-42, 1 Thessalonians 2:9-16, Psalm 28: The story of Joseph always fascinates me. I can’t imagine how he could hold on with such faith when time after time it looks like he just gets a bad break or things are stacked against him. Yet in the prison of the turns of his life God still favors him and he is entrusted with greater and greater responsibilities. Even then the payback for kindness doesn’t seem to be rewarded.
Yet God’s economy and ours is very different. God used these prisons to refine Joseph and prepare him for the coming tasks. His ability to manage people and resources were being given opportunity to grow. His experiences taught him lessons that would serve him well in days to come. In each of the twists and turns he held tightly to his faith and God rewarded that obedience.
What a great reminder to me as well as challenge. Life may not have you were you want to be or where you thought you would be right now, but God is still at work. Around our house we call that in the Meanwhile God is doing something we can’t always see. His plans are best and His timing is perfect. What we see is not always accurate to what will be needed in days and weeks to come so trust the Father’s hand and His timing. He may have huge plans for you in days to come but wants to refine and prepare you in the trenches you presently serve.
No matter where you are I pray today that you will know and experience God’s favor. I pray you will be diligent and obedient right where you are. Then when the time is right I pray you too will rise to the challenges you will face with His power and His strength at work in you.