Rich Toward God

1 Samuel 11-12, Jeremiah 14, Luke 12, Hebrews 1. Psalms 48: Are you rich toward God? In Luke 12 we read about a man who has all kinds of wealth and prosperity. He had eyes to see the logical next step in his preparing for his future and using his finances to make more. The problem was that God knew the number of days he had and his life was not going to be long. Though he had barns and more barns he did not have the treasures in heaven he would need. Long term investments are important. You just have to have eyes to see what the true long term really is. It isn’t the 80 years many of us will have here on earth. It is the eternity that will be just around the corner.
So how can you be rich toward God? It doesn’t always have to do with money. Although investing financially in things that are eternal are important. It is also being wise with the other gifts and assets you have. It is growing daily in God’s word and prayer and making those priority. It is asking God daily for His to do list not just your own. It is seeing the needs of those around you. Matthew tells us that when you have done a kindness unto the least of these you have done it unto Him. It is living with an eye on eternity asking God to help you see those who need a kind word or even a help in some way. Does that mean you are just a money machine or constant giver for others? No! It does mean that your finances belong to God and He can use them as He wills. He may have you build a barn, but that barn may be used to have a dinner for a mission project in Belize. He may have you print Bibles for people that work on the backside of a race track. He may have you share your testimony with someone who has lost their job and help them get some training so they can find employment again. Money is just a tool to invest in eternity. Hearing God’s voice is so necessary to know how to appropriately allocate His finances. I pray we are all rich toward God and those around us.