To The One Feeling Worthless

Job 29-32: Do you know a man who has lost a job in his mid 50’s? This man could have been the top of his class in college, he could have 30 years of executive experience. He could have degrees and accolades out the wazoo. But somehow whether a downsize or even a sell off he finds himself jobless for the first time in years. His self worth plummets as he looks at job after job just to be told he is over qualified or that the position is really looking for someone younger.
Sad, frustrated and angry he begins to go down a dark path questioning everything about himself. He no longer has the ear of those around him. He no longer feels respected. He may even feel like people run the other way when they see him. If you know a man who has experienced this you may know someone who felt many of Job’s same emotions.
Job felt abandoned, neglected even disrespected by those who once hung on his every word. He felt denied the honor he once had due to things completely beyond his control. Yet he hang on to his faith and in the end God saw him as faithful and in the right.
Were I to be talking to someone who loves a man going through this kind of hard time or the man himself I would say you too may be being tested. Don’t believe the enemy’s lies. Don’t allow him to make you feel demeaned and powerless. God still has a purpose and plan for your life. It may look different and you may not be in the lofty or high position you once held, but what God restores could be better! Your character is not what you do but who you are. Hang in there and keep speaking wisdom. Keep a smile on your face and peace in your heart. God’s got this and in the end you too will see the goodness of God. Stay faithful my brother! I pray this will encourage you or someone who loves you dearly!