John 5:2-18
Are you a rule follower or a rule breaker? At our house it is a joke because there are times both Les and I are rule breakers and at other times rule keepers. Les would say it depends on whether it is a good rule or not. (insert smile here!)
I believe Jesus might have felt the same way. As He walked into the colonnade where the pools were there was a man who had been an invalid for 38 years. He had been at this colonnade many years asking those passing for money or help. Jesus saw the man and had compassion on him. Jesus told the man to take up his bed and walk. The man believed and was able for the first time in 38 years to walk. One would think everyone would rejoice, but instead the religious leaders wanted to know why he was carrying his bed on the Sabbath. When he told them the Man had healed him they wanted to know who the man was so they could hold him to account. The healed man did not even know who had healed him only that he was healed.
When the religious leaders found out the healer was Jesus they began persecuting him. They were angry because He was healing and doing good on the Sabbath. He really enraged them because when confronted Jesus called God His Father making Himself equal with God. God had sent Jesus into the world. When Jesus healed the lame man He was doing His Father’s will by bringing honor to Him. Jesus knew the Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath. God had given the command to remember the Sabbath and keep it hoy. By healing Jesus was honoring God’s law but not the letter of man’s laws.
Think about your own life. Are you more concerned with being at church than worshiping the Creator while you are there? Is your daily time with God more about keeping laws or checking the box than spending time getting to know the One who loves you? Don’t get caught up in the doing. God said, “be still and know I am God.” Being obedient to what He says is more important than checking the boxes or doing religious activities. Don’t miss the Son while keeping the rules. 🙂