Preparing to Leave

How do you pack a year of your life into 2 suitcases? If you answered by leaving much behind you are exactly right. I have loved my daughter’s heart as she leaves things behind thinking of the next person who will occupy her space. She has left medicines in case they get sick, a Tide stain remover knowing they will need to be on the go, and candles for the days when the electricity goes out as well as many other things to make this flat a home. Her heart of mercy pleases this momma to no end.

Today was not a wasted day of ministry either as she completed several projects. Even Ruth got to paint with her. I on the other hand did what any mom would do. I deep cleaned her flat, moving beds and furniture to prepare the room for the next missionary who will come in the next couple of days. Even now there is another mother hoping her daughter or son will have everything they need.

In the morning we will clean out the refrigerator and deliver many odds and ends. We will have lunch at Gene’s favorite eatery then prepare to go to the airport. We leave knowing it is only a matter of time until we come back. The best really is yet to come!!!!! I can’t wait to bring some of you guys with us to love many wonderful children and adults! Get ready there is much to do.

Care Point at the Mountains

What a great day of ministry again. We drove to a care point about 2 hours away in the mountains. The views were breathtakingly beautiful. You know it is high when your ears are popping as you go up and down the mountains. The first half of the trip was on black top, or on tar as they say here in Swazi. The second half was on a bumpy, twisty, dusty unpaved road. We were stopped by a parade of cows and had to wait our turn as they processed down the way. We even stopped dead in the center of the road at one point and took a beautiful picture of the country side and not one vehicle was in sight. The most beautiful sight of all was a small care point in the middle of nowhere that had children running and playing around it. We interrupted a little boys’ soccer game to get into the fenced in area. They forgave us and resumed their play. We gather inside the small building there with 3 women who cook 7 days a week for 350 children.

The care point has a church that is affiliated with it. The pastor and his wife are from a neighboring African country and have felt called to Swaziland to be missionaries. They have faced many spiritual battles as they have served at the care point. We were so blessed to share time in God’s word with the ladies. Ruth shared from Jeremiah 29:11-13. She reminded each lady that God had a purpose for her life. Though we may not feel what we are doing is very important and may even be tired and struggling at times. God is doing a great work through each of us. The ladies were greatly encouraged by God’s word. One of the sweetest parts of our visit was when the ladies sang about God’s worthiness. Instruments were not needed. The sweet tones of their voices made beautiful music. I know the Father was very pleased. We ended our time with the ladies by praying for them and asking God to strengthen them as they serve. We turned around for the 2 hour trip home but it seemed much shorter as we remembered the sweet time in the Lord we had just experienced.

Jeremiah 29:11-13  11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Encouraging the Local Staff

To borrow a phrase from my mother, “My tail feathers are dragging.” Lol For those who don’t speak southern, that means I am tired.

We fed what seemed like the 5000 today. We started the morning feeding the Swazi national staff. We took donuts and fresh fruit to their team meeting. This was only their second week in their new team house, so we brought the pens, pencils and plastic bags that we had collected to the staff to help stock their office pantry. Then we were off to take material to the Timbali Crafts ladies. We helped inspect the bags each woman had made for quality control. Some of you should be dying out laughing because neither Ruth, Gene’ nor I are seamstresses, but we are now proficient at determining whether the seam is straight and even on both sides of the bag. lol

Then we provided what the ladies call “chicken dust” for lunch. It is really a half of a grilled chicken, salad and a heavy white corn that looks like grits but is called pap. The ladies did a dance when they heard we were bringing the chicken. I also had the privilege of sharing a devotion time with the ladies. I encouraged each woman with James 5:16 to pray for the woman that will carry the bag she works on each time she sews. I asked them to pray for the lady’s salvation and for her walk with the Lord. I also told them of the wonderful women who have bought their bags that I know and how our ladies go on the internet to see the face of the woman who made her bag. They were so thankful for the prayers each lady had prayed for them.

Our afternoon concluded with Gene’ teaching a group of the Swazi staff ladies to learn how to paint. Each lady feasted on Cajun chicken and rice and then painted a beautiful abstract of a tree. The girls were very excited and impressed with themselves to see that they could create something of great beauty.

Though there are 6000 children who come to the care points daily to be fed there are relatively few adults who make it possible. Today we touched the lives of the adults who give daily to the care and provision of these children. To be able to give to them whether physically or even emotionally by speaking words of affirmation and praise was such a privilege and joy. In a couple of days we will go back to the States, but these staff members will dive back in to serving tirelessly. I am grateful today that we were able to give to the givers in Jesus name.

Please pray for them and for us as we go in the morning to another care point and minister to another group of people who need fresh hope and encouragement.

Thank you again for praying.

James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

A Glimpse of Heaven

The closest thing to heaven has to be when you are worshiping with believers from around the world. Today we had a taste of heaven and God was so good to have an amazing translator who translated everything spoken in Saswati so we could understand. As our brothers and sisters sang in both languages we all knew the presence of the Lord. My favorite song kept repeating “Oh how I love Him.” My heart swelled with love for the Lord and just a reverent awe that He would allow me to be a part of such a special time of worship.

The pastor preached on how we are all adopted as sons of God and how He had a plan for us from the foundation of the world. I nearly shouted out in praise when the pastor led us to Judges chapter 11 where the story of Jephthah is told. That is the story we had read this week in our daily reading. He quoted almost word for word what I had written in my devotion about God choosing His leaders regardless of their backgrounds or heritage. He chooses us because He chooses us. We are not chosen because we are the best or the greatest. The pastor talked about many of the people not even knowing who their parents were. Many have been rejected by their families just as Jephthah was. But God accepts us because of what Jesus has done for us. Hallelujah! What a great reminder to all of us that God loves us and has a purpose for our lives.

After the service we walked across the bumpy dirt road for a fat cake and cold coke Swazi style. Gene’ smiled with great pride as she showed us how she “survived” in the hut those 2 months. lol We came back this evening to get Cindy to the airport for her return flight. Please be praying for her for safe travel and that she get the rest needed. She returns to work Tuesday. Ruth and I will be here with Gene’ until Thursday evening and then we will return.

Tomorrow has lots of plans for ministry. We will be providing breakfast to the Swazi national staff in the morning. Then at lunch we will provide “chicken dust” for the Timbali crafts ladies and will be having a devotion time with them. In the evening we will be having a sips and strokes painting party with the ladies on staff. So as you can see it will be a full day. Please continue to pray.

Colossians 3:17

We headed out with material, scissors, needles and thread this morning to visit 2 care points where young girls are making headbands to sell through Timbali Crafts and raise money for their school tuition and uniform. Each girl chose carefully her material. Then they assisted one another to cut from a pattern 2 headbands. With nimble fingers and good eyes they threaded the needles and set to work stitching. Those who had come the week before turned in their finished products and one of the Swazi staff members inspected. She would stretch the headband to make sure it was constructed correctly. She would eye each stitch to make sure it was done to her specifications. At the end she would either accept or deny their products with words of encouragement of how they could improve or affirming their good work.

One girl from Thulwane turned in the most beautiful headbands. Each edge was ironed and steamed to make sure they laid appropriately. She had meticulously measured and sewn her band. One of the staff turned to me and said, “She always produces things of excellence.” You could tell she took pride in her work and her smile matched the effort she had put in.

The verse I shared with the girls today was Colossians 3:17 “Whatever you do in word or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” She lived up to this verse as she gave her best to her craft. I challenged each girl to remember not just to make a beautiful piece but to pray for the young girl who would wear it. I thought about how this mission is really a circle. We are praying for the girls who are coming to learn about Jesus and create a craft of beauty to sell. While they are praying for the ones who will purchase the product when we get back to America knowing some may not know Jesus. Isn’t God just like that? Reminding us to always live giving and doing our best to His glory so that others may come to know Him.

Please keep praying for the young ladies from Timbutini and Thulwane care points as they learn more about Jesus and a craft that could provide for them the rest of their lives.

Memorizing His Word

Over the last few months Gene’ has been meeting with a group of high school students at one of the care points. Each time they met they studied God’s word together and shared special times memorizing scripture. Today we were a part of the study time. She asked each one to quote the verse they had learned the week before. Each child quoted the verse. They were a little timid at first, but in time every one of the students had quoted the verse and received a sweet (candy).

Gene’ told the students, as a gift for being such devoted students of the Word and for learning their verses each week, we had a gift for each of them.  She gave each child their own bible. I wish you could have seen them as they flipped through each page with interest and awe. Then Gene’ asked them to turn to Revelation 22:7.

As each child turned the pages of their bible they laughed when she said, “Just go to the end. It will be easier to find.” With a ruffle of laughter they turned their bibles to that page. Then she read “And behold I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” She reminded them of the importance of obeying God’s Word and learning it. She encouraged them to continue to memorize verses. At the end she had the students write down the things they had learned. Each child wrote many of the verses they had learned along with words of encouragement about how their lives had been changed.

What a great reminder to me that what our missionaries are doing here is much more than just feeding 6,000 orphans. They are leading them to know God’s word and live by it daily. That is why it is so important that we pour into the lives of those who are here long term. It is also a great reminder that for those who are sponsoring a long term missionary your giving is not in vain.

Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep them coming. Pray also for Mark and Allison, Steve and Amy, Julie, Kriek and Jumbo the full time missionary staff here and the many Swazi nationals who assist them on a daily basis not just to supply food, but the Word of God to the people of this country.

Thulwane Care Point

Today we went back to Thulwane care point. What rush of emotions stole my heart. The children were not there, but just to see it brought great joy.

I was taken back to see gardens everywhere. Last time I came to Swazi we planted the first garden there. The ground had been tilled and we plant by plant set out the first of what would one day be enough food to feed the children at the care point. My eyes filled with joyous tears today to see stalks where corn had been. Withered and drying up plants where potatoes and squash had been. There were even signs of fresh plants growing and the very field we had started with two years ago were freshly turned for the next crop.

Oh how my heart swelled, but it was nothing compared to the joy I felt when I saw Mnomsa the gogo walking down the dusty road to meet us. We greeted her with huge hugs and words of joy and appreciation for all she had done to make the care point live. She quickly hollered at the children from her homestead to come. They turned out quickly. All 12 to 16 of them. As well as the children from Love’s house just up the road. So many familiar smiles and beautiful growing up children. We were over joyed! They greeted us with hugs and of course wanting to hold our hands and be right next to us. Ruth even held one of the little ones for the duration of our visit. It is easy to fall in love with this bunch!

Mnomsa proudly showed off the new gardens, the new cooking structure, the greatly used preschool building, and she was most proud of the corn they had harvested and dried from the garden. She explained that green leafy vegetables were coming shortly to redo the original garden for the coming season. She bragged on the sweet potatoes they are now able to grow year around thanks to the new plots of garden. We were so blown away! Then her proudest moment of all came when she displayed the two big trophies the children at Thulwane had won in the competition between the care points for music, poetry and art.

She posed for several pictures, so when I get home get ready! There will be many! Westwood family, you would be so proud of how your investments have paid off in a HUGE way! I am so proud of what God is multiplying through your efforts over the last several years. Only heaven will really reveal the dividends your investments have made.

As always the children gave us a precious gift of a song before we left. I have it on video, and yes you can expect to see it when I return. My greatest joy was knowing that the same heavenly Father that has cared for me and my family over the last few years is the same one who holds these special souls in His hand. He is so faithful and it is evident in the smiles on the faces of the children and adults. It is so evident in their physical health and the fact that none of them look hungry anymore. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to those who have invested and loved these children even from afar.

God is doing a great work! Keep praying.

A Lion Pride

23Apr2014 - Game DriveA lion pride is an amazing sight. We started our day as the sun was rising going on a game drive through a national park here in Swazi. We were greeted by 3 female lions, a male and a cub. We spotted them first through super tall grass. Our driver sped around the field they were in and we arrived at their watering hole just in time to view them come to the water for a cool drink. We were awestruck! As we watched with our hearts beating super fast we observed the protective nature of the father. He lapped his water then came the closest to us making a rumbling sound that would make the hair on your arms stand on end. As I viewed the beauty of these animals and really appreciated the power each had I was speechless!

To think that our heavenly Father truly is the Lion of Judah and He cares for us even more than this father lion cares for his family. He protects us and is much more fierce than the greatest and most powerful animal known to men. Praise the Lord!

This afternoon we visited a wonderful care point and painted with the children. As I saw these children I thought about the cub this morning. The lions surrounded this little one providing every thing it needed. Oh how my heart hurt for the children at the care point many of whom have no parent to care for them. I praise the Lord that He knows them. He loves them. He knows they need adults like us to minister.

Please keep praying as we love like He does and see all that He has in store!

Arrived Safely!

From Page:

“We made it to Swazi!!!!!

We are so thankful for all of the prayers. It was the best flight I have ever had all of the way here. Thank you to all of you who prayed us here. We are well rested or at least as well as you can be after this long a trip. We are also finding our way here.

Ruth is driving a stick shift on the the wrong side of the road. Lol Big time prayers needed! We will be debriefing this afternoon and having a cultural meeting today. Let the party begin!

Thank you again for your prayers. Please keep them coming!”