Choosing Joy

Ecclesiastes 7-12: The words that are resounding in my heart today are CHOOSE JOY! As I read Solomon’s journal he has found much to be dissatisfied with. I get the strange feeling he was looking at the next generation and thinking I have worked myself hard to have so much and what will happen? I will die and leave it to people who didn’t work for it and won’t appreciate it. He probably experienced frustration as a leader and poured his wisdom and time into others just to see them not appreciate him or the benefits from the hard work that comes from working together. As he looked around at the stuff, that really is all it was to him….just stuff. (I bet he could have had a great garage sale. lol) He seems joyless. In the end he finally comes to speak the only thing worth living for.
Ecclesiastes 12:1Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, “I have no pleasure in them”;
And then his final words of wisdom.
Ecclesiastes 12:13The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. 14For God will bring every deed into judgment, whether good or evil.
In my years I have found a question I ask myself very helpful. “In the light of eternity, is this really going to matter?” I have applied that question over everything from a broken favorite dish to stances on social issues. It is a great reminder because so much of what we “value” is really as Solomon said, vanity, meaningless and in the realm of eternity truly meaningless. But there are some things that are eternal. People and how we love them and deal with them is a major one. Telling others about Jesus is another that must be paramount in my life. Using things and loving people brings great joy. One day the things will be gone, but those I have loved and that have brought me joy will go from here to heaven with me. So I choose to remember my Creator and fear Him as I look to eternity and live choosing Joy.