Don’t Wait On Someone Else

2 Kings 12-13, 2 Chronicles 24: Yesterday one of my ladies in our Bible Study remarked that the kitchen in the building we meet in needed to be cleaned. As we examined the kitchen in our thoughts we concluded that the refrigerator, the stove, the cabinet and even the floors could use a thorough cleaning. As our leadership team talked we discussed how in the past the church had paid people to do the job we were describing, but our ladies have been so active lately and serving with a whole heart. We decided that we would take on the job and not just that one but also pick up around the grounds and get the flower bed out front into pristine condition with the help of one of our ladies who is a master gardener. We are actually looking forward to the projects and will have a great time doing them and then be so proud of the results.
As I read our passage I wonder if that is not have the King of Judah felt. He had told the priests to collect money and clean up the building. They may have seen the problems, but for whatever reason did not do anything about them. The king wasn’t pleased so he devised a plan. In the end the people did the work and the finished product was something they were all pleased with and proud of.
Maybe today God is saying to you, “Look around. What simple tasks need to be done so that your church is in good repair and ready for service.” Don’t wait on the hired help to do it. Get out your cleaning supplies, get the hedge trimmers going. Do whatever God speaks to you to do. Then don’t expect any “Ata boys or even a thank you.” Your reward comes from your Heavenly Father who sees and knows what you are doing. Don’t deny. You may even want to grab a friend and make it a party. That is what I did! By the way, if you are a member of FBCPG meet me Tuesday morning at 9:00, I have a job for you. 🙂