Forgotten God

Isaiah 13-17: Have you forgotten God? As I read Isaiah my heart breaks for my own nation. So many parallels with God’s own people in Isaiah’s day look like our world today. Here is what Isaiah writes.
Isaiah 17:10For you have forgotten the God of your salvation
and have not remembered the Rock of your refuge;
therefore, though you plant pleasant plants
and sow the vine-branch of a stranger,
11though you make them grow on the day that you plant them,
and make them blossom in the morning that you sow,
yet the harvest will flee away
in a day of grief and incurable pain.
Mercy haven’t we see this recently. So many trying to separate God from every aspect of life other than a few minutes when one attends a service. That is not God’s way. He is in all whether we acknowledge Him or not. He will not be forgotten. He will not be pushed aside. He may allow our behavior for a while, but in time His discipline comes on every nation that He loves. It is not to harm, but to persuade His children to return to Him. Israel saw it and after years of captivity and war they returned. Oh that we would learn quickly and escape the wrath of God’s vengeance.
May we all bend the knee of our hearts to the Lord and remember Him in all we do. May we set the example for the world to follow.