God’s Volunteer

Isaiah 5-8: I love how Isaiah 6 begins with describing a vision he had of the temple. It was filled with the presence of God in such a way that it was tangible. Isaiah knew not just by sight but also by hearing God was present as the angels called out Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty! To be in the presence of God like that Isaiah was even more aware of his own uncleanness. The result was he confessed his uncleanness and was cleansed. With a clean heart Isaiah hears God asking who will go and who shall I send. Isaiah’s response was immediate.
Isaiah 6:8And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”
When we have a true encounter with God, He get a volunteer. You can’t be in the presence of the Almighty and not realize your own brokenness nor your need for healing. Isaiah’s vision is a word to all of us. Confess your sins and failures and find forgiveness and healing. Then get ready because God’s children don’t sit on the side lines. They are put in the game! Isaiah was sent to spread the message that though Israel had fallen there was hope.
7:14Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
God Himself was coming to the rescue. He would come as a child but his purpose was clear. He would be “God with us”. As God walked the earth in the form of Jesus the Son, many experience the presence of God and they too were changed. Through His life many lives were changed and God got volunteers who spread His word through generations. Today you and I get the opportunity to volunteer as well. As we come into His presence, receive cleansing, our only response should be “Here am I, send me.”