Has The Glory Left the Temple?

As I read this I wondered how many church buildings in America are devoid of the Lord’s presence and power. I wondered how many are just going through the motions and attending services more out of ritual than worship of God. Even in churches where there is a remnant of people who truly worship how many others are just doing what they have always done never connecting with God. Oh Lord, please forgive us. Help us remember that true worship is when our hearts connect with Yours. It isn’t about the songs we sing, the offerings we give, or whether the message pleases us or not. It is about drawing closer to you and giving a portion of what we have to You. It is a sacrifice of love showing You how grateful we are. You genuinely care about us not the beat or when we give. It is about hearing a word from You that we are to live out and getting our marching orders for the week. It is about telling others who You are and how to love You because of all You have done for us. Oh God please forgive us for making it about us. We love you Lord. Please help us this weekend to worship you before we attend church and then when we get to the building to poor out our love to you. Help us hear Your voice and leave to walk out what You have said. We Love you Lord. Please allow Your Glory to fill our houses of worship.