Love Well

“I love you.” Don’t you treasure sweet relationships? I sure do. One of the things I have asked the Father is to help me to see ways daily I can pour my life out on the people He puts in my path. This love takes many different forms like making lunch for workers at the house, listening to a hurting friend, or taking flowers to a sweet widow. I want to be tender of heart and mind and to have ears to hear where others are hurting or have needs. I don’t always say “I love you,” although I do voice that at times. I want them to see by my hearing their needs and trying to meet them that I am saying I care about you. I love you can be communicated so many ways including a smile, a healthy touch like a pat on the back, or just stopping long enough to really hear what someone is saying.
Tomorrow we celebrate a day where love is in the spotlight. Why not pray today and ask God to reveal to you someone who needs to know they are loved and cared about. Listen and think about how you can best communicate care for that person. It may be something as simple as taking them a card or candy. It could be taking them flowers. It could be that God wants you to ask them to join you for a meal or take brownies to them. No matter how you choose to show your love and care for others just do it. Don’t allow inconvenience or lethargy prevent you from doing what God is calling you to do. Most of all, have fun!