Set Free

John 8:31-36
Have you ever been bound by something or someone who controlled you? In our culture we see all kinds of things and people who control others. It starts early in life when you look around to see what others are wearing or doing and you just want to fit in and be accepted. I wish I could say that peer pressure died out the older yo get, but I think if anything it gets worse. We spend money we don’t have to keep up with people we don’t even like to be sure they think we are acceptable. The end result is we are bound up with debt and a fear of man. You may be saying, “Page I don’t have that.” Great! Maybe you have something more along the lines of an addiction to food, tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, drugs. The list could go on and on. The results of these addictions vary greatly, but each of them have an effect on our lives and health. Again you may say, “Not me!” Way to go! But the last bondage I want us to consider is one all of us have. Romans 3:23 tells us that all have sinned. Yep all! It also tells us that the wages of that sin is death but that Jesus Brough the gift of eternal life to us! How do we get it? 1 John 1:9 says If we confess or agree with God that we sin and ask Him to forgive us, He will do it and cleanse us from all sin! That is what Jesus was saying not just to the woman caught in adultery at the beginning of chapter 8 but also to the most righteous of those religious elite who said they were slaves to no one. Jesus answered them “Truly truly I say to you everyone who prates sin is a slave to it.” “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
You may not consider yourself in need of being set free either, but we all need freedom from sin. Once we accept Jesus’ gift of forgiveness we are set free, but our old nature still tries to rear its ugly head tempting us to selfishness satisfying what pleases us or makes us happy even if it is not what God desires. Not only are we set free, but God also gives us the Spirit to help us in our weakness. The Spirit helps us say no to ungodliness and yes to that which pleases God.
If you struggle with any of the first things mentioned in this devotion, take them to God. Ask Him to help you. Seek professional help if needed. Most of all realize you have what or really Who you need to be free!