Shallow Roots

Psalm 1:1-3 “How happy is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked or take the path of sinners or join a group of mockers. 2Instead his delight is in the Lord’s instruction and he meditates on it day and night. 3He is like a tree planted beside streams of water that bears its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.

I have spent many hours lately pulling weeds and cutting back trees. The yard has been allowed to grow without any intervention for over two years. In that time many weeds and small trees that would normally be plucked or cut down in their infancy have been allowed to take root and grow. I have not looked forward to attacking some of these weeds that were about 3 or 4 feet tall but today I was pulling them one by one with hopes of removing them from the root so they would not grow back. After pulling a few I was surprised that their roots did not go down deep due to a black cloth being under them. The cloth had served as a barrier to the weeds finding the depth that would have made them hard to remove. Though the work was still hard and tedious, it was made easier by the shallow roots. My mind then began to ponder the spiritual implications of this. How often do we have a relationship with God but it is more of a surface relationship? We may attend church, give to the needy, or even teach a class, but as far as a deep growing relationship with God it is just not there. I am sure there are many reasons for this lack of depth. Psalm 1 points to some great truths that will help us to grow deep roots.
• When you walk with those who seek God you are much more likely to seek Him yourself. Run with those running toward God.
• Take time daily to seek God in His word. There are many ways to do it. Read a Psalm or a Proverb daily. Set a goal of reading through the New Testament. Read the bible through in a year. No matter how you choose to spend time in God’s word, make sure you are feeding yourself on the Word daily. What you feed will grow!
• Spend time daily in prayer. Talk to the Lord giving thanksgiving and praise. You don’t have to be eloquent of speech. God knows how you talk. Just spend time talking to Him like you would a dear friend. Share with Him your struggles. Know He really does care and wants to help you.
The end result of walking in these truths is that you will grow deep roots that will allow your life to produce spiritual fruit. When the enemy comes to try to pull you up, or even tempt you to leave what you know you should do, you will have depth of wisdom and experience to remind him Whose you are and that he has no authority in your life. Growing deep roots is not easy, but it makes a huge difference in living a life filled with spiritual blessing or as the Psalm said, Happy.