Unless the Lord Builds the House: One Step

Psalm 94:18-19 “When I thought, “My foot slips,”
your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up.
19 When the cares of my heart are many,
your consolations cheer my soul.”

One step, just one step that faltered and the young man’s life was changed forever. We were not at the house the morning one of the roofers lost his footing and tumbled from the top of the roof to the concrete below. We were not informed until days later, but even when we heard our hearts were broken for the young man. They had just started their morning of work. He was on top of the roof with two others. They had turned their heads busy with a project and then they heard their co-worker tumbling head over heels down the valley of the roof. He was able to stop his descent at the edge of the house but was unable to hold on. He landed on his hip and the bone and socket were pushed into his pelvic. Both arms were broken and he had gashes on his head and arms. There was no apparent reason the young man fell. The roof was moist but not wet from rain. There wasn’t a high wind or even distraction from other activity. He just slipped and was unable to keep himself from falling.

As I have prayed for this young man and his family, I have pondered how easy it is to lose footing spiritually. So often we are going along trying to make good choices and out of the blue Satan temps us. It isn’t always a black and white issue. It is more like a small enticement. Before you know it you are tumbling! It may be an email that leads to pornography, a temptation to cheat just once, a small piece of gossip that opens the doors to wrecked friendships and broken hearts. Temptation usually comes with a small slip. We are usually ready for a big issue, but even a minor slip can have huge consequences.

If you find yourself being tempted, stop and look for 3 things:
*A rope to prevent the fall before they happen. God’s word can and should be your security and prevention. As you know and live growing in God’s word, even if you slip you are listening for God’s voice and sense immediately conviction. Quickly confess any sin and shore up your steps.

*A friend can be super helpful. The other roofers were scrambling to help the young man who fell. They had a rope to throw to him, but they were too late. Don’t wait until too late to hold the rope your friends are offering. Hold each other accountable and when needed speak truth to the one walking closely to a slippery spot. Have a rope in hand for those slipping and lovingly help them find firm footing again.

*Be on your guard! Satan would love to take you down! In the case of our young worker he just lost his focus and was not as careful as he should have been. He did not aim to fall, but because he was not as cautious he did. As we acknowledge the enemy’s constant attack we are more prepared. Stay alert! Satan is like a lion seeking to devour the bible tells us. As we look for those slippery spots or areas we may be vulnerable, we will be less likely to fall prey.

When you do slip having faith family around to help you is super important. As faith family we need to be quick to forgive and willing to help restore. We ask you our faith family to pray for the young man who fell. He will have a long road to recovery. Pray for fellow believers you know who have taken a spiritual spill as well and need to find firm footing again. Pray for yourself that you will be able to see the spiritually slippery places before you come upon them and know your Heavenly Father is there beside you to help you over with firm footing.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

One thought on “Unless the Lord Builds the House: One Step

  1. A very timely article. Thank you sweet friend for letting God use you to minster. I am studying the
    book Fervent by Priscilla Shirer. We have an awesome God.

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