Fan Into Flame

2 Timothy 1:1-7: It is easy to get discouraged when you see all of the evil that is going on in our world. There is much good going on as well. I think of two of the young women who went with us on mission who know that God has called them into ministry. As I read 2 Timothy today I could not help but think of them and our children who are all serving the Lord. The verses that stood out the most are, “6Therefore, I remind you to keep ablaze Or to rekindle the gift of God that is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7For God has not given us a spirit Or us the Spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.”
During our last day in Swaziland we went to a church service where I sat down beside a young man. He was maybe 10 years old and had his bible in his hand. I asked him what his favorite bible story was. He said Daniel and the Lion’s den. We exchanged more small talk. Then I ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said a pastor. I smiled and told him my husband, my father, and my sons were all pastors. I told him each Sunday I pray for them as they prepare to preach. I told him I would pray for him too. I haven’t neglected to do that each Sunday. I can’t wait to see how God will use this young man. Before I left that day he gave me a note with several verses. He also included 2 witnessing tracts. That young man shows so much potential! May he too fan into flame that which the Father has placed within him.
As you get ready and go to church today pray for your pastor and for those who are coming behind that will be future pastors and godly lay men. There are many good things going on even in our world where evil abounds.