Coming to our Senses

Luke 15:11-32: The story of the prodigal son has always captured my heart. today the verse in it that jumped off the page at me was when it said, “and when he came to his senses.” How often I have needed to come to the point that I “came to my senses”. It is so easy to be carried away by my own self interest or selfish desires. It is not that what I am doing is always bad. It is just doing what I want or directing my life in my own paths instead of going with God. I find myself discouraged or down hearted because the end result of sin is always separation from God. It usually comes to a point where my heart is empty even if my stomach is still. filled. What a great reminder to us all. If we come to the point we just feel down or empty we may need to check to see if we are still on the right path. If we find we have strayed away from a daily walk with the Father, communion with the church family or even having allowed sin to separate us that we know we should not be involved in. Take heart my friend. God is still there waiting for you to return home. He still have a fattened calf and a robe in your size waiting for your return. He wanted to hold you and remind you that you are His. Thank you Jesus for paying the price so I could come Home.