Keeping Away from Adultery

Proverbs 7: I don’t believe anyone wakes up in the morning and thinks, I want to become an adulterer today. Just as people don’t wake up thinking today I want to become an alcoholic or any other sin that can so rob you of peace and true life. It is usually a slow fade to those places. It usually starts with a conversation or even a simple compliment that turns one’s head and heart slowly from what is the right path. The only way to overcome this is to stay away from the path. Keeping our eyes on Jesus and on what we know is the right path must be our priority. Prov. 7 paints the picture of a man who sees the woman and then listens to her pleas to come and lay with her. That man could have and should have stopped at the glance, but when you allow your heart and mind to stay in places it should not it is not long before your feet follow.
May we all check our glances and when temptation comes our way quickly divert our eyes and minds back to the things of the Spirit. It is the only way to prevent following the things of the flesh.