God is at Work

“We did not eat yesterday and we prayed God would send us food.” That was what the team members heard as they brought food to a family in the community. Cindy expressed to the family that the gift of food was much like the gift Jesus gave for us. He gave His life to pay for our sin, but it is up to us to receive it. It is much like the food delivered to this family. Until it is cooked and eaten it doesn’t do any good. Jesus died and gave His life, but until we receive the gift we can’t experience the life it brings. Just as the food was a grace gift, so the gift of the food is a grace gift from the Father.

Over and over today we were asked why we came. Nomsa, the one in charge of the cooks at the carepoint, asked today, why would you come to black strangers and show so much love to these children? We explained it is because God loved us we now love others. The Nurse too asked the same question. One of our team members again said, “We love because Jesus loved us and gave His life for us.” Then once again at the home visit the question was asked why? The answer again was because of what God has done for us. As we shared over and over and over we love because He first loved us. This is the message of why we are here!!!

This morning we went to the market to leave some finances in the hands of area merchants. The merchants are the ones who created hand made crafts. As our team members shopped they also shared the gospel message of why we are here again. The message is the same no matter where we are and no matter what we are doing. Jesus is our life and He is worthy of our praise. One woman at the market was telling our team member she was in a bible study and gave a presentation of what she was studying. Our team member talked about Jesus being her life and reason to live as well. Time and time again we have seen gospel sharing opportunities!

My last story tonight has to do with the Gogos and the Nurse that goes to each carepoint. We celebrated their birthdays with a tea party! We had sodas and cookies but we also had the privilege of telling them that tomorrow 2 of our team members will be putting solar panels on the new building and running lights. They were blown away. they danced and praised the Lord!!!! They had shared this morning about what they were thankful for. Over and over they said health and the strength to serve these children. It is with joy we will be able to give this gift to them and the children of the community so that no matter what they will be able to have lights and no power bill!

There were so many other stories I could share, but I will leave some of those for our other team members. I can confidently say we are making a kingdom difference, sharing the gospel over and over, and showing the love of Jesus to all who come around! Please pray for our workers as they install the solar panels and wiring. Pray for our two young men who will be speaking the gospel message tomorrow. Pray for more opportunities to share the hope that is within us. Pray that they will know we are there because of Jesus and we want all of the glory and honor to go to Him!!!!!!!