Swaziland Update

If you have been a prayer warrior for us this week, please know we have not taken your part of this ministry for granted. We have seen God show Himself so big! We came knowing that tomorrow we would have a dedication of the new multipurpose building at the carepoint. Our church and team raised the money for the building over the last few years and in the last two years it was built. We have had teaching times, singing, crafts, devotions for the adult ladies that serve and so much more in the building. It will serve as a huge blessing for the community leaders as well. I never dreamed when we came here we would leave with working lights in the building. God sent on our team an electrician and an engineer. As they looked at the building from the first day they began to come up with a plan to provide solar lighting in the building. They created a plan, made a shopping list, looked for tools to be used and within a couple of days they have made it to where not only will they have lights, but they are solar powered and will not cost the carepoint anything!!! God has been at work! They also wired the preschool building and created some much needed shelving. Our preschool teachers and carepoint leaders came in today dancing and praising God! Tomorrow at the dedication the building will be lit with light from Above!!!
Another God moment was today as several of the ladies were able to go with Amy McAdams to visit a special needs child in the community. The child is wheelchair bound and spends much of the day on a mat on the floor. The child is 15 and is cared for by a grandmother who also cares for 5 other children. They have no running water, so they go and draw water from the river. As the ladies arrived one of the children was washing dishes in the murky water from the river. Our ladies wept as they told of the tender care given to the child and the encouragement that Amy and the therapist who traveled with them had been to the girl and the grandmother. Ministry here looks so much different than just feeding and playing with small children.
One last thing we don’t take for granted is your many prayers for safety. Tonight we were grateful for those prayers as a car came dangerously close to one of our team members when crossing and intersection. Pedestrians are not respected here and cars don’t slow down. Our team member was hurrying across the road, but the car was speeding not slowing down. After the experience was over we were so grateful for the prayer warriors praying for all of us. We try our best to avoid any danger, but just like at home, you can’t always for see all things. Tonight we were grateful for Divine protection. Which brings me full circle in saying, thank you for lifting us up in prayer. Please don’t stop. We have seen God strong and mighty at work among us!
Tomorrow will be a GREAT day as we have Big Fun Day. Another answer to prayer is that a day care from the States, Heritage Preschool gave the finances to make this day possible. We will celebrate with games, a bounce house, a meal including meat, fruit and cookies. The children will perform for us cultural dances and sing in our honor. We will dedicate our new building and play a message from Pastor Kenneth Bruce from Westwood. It should be an amazing day! Please for us as we leave tomorrow because it will be our last time this trip with our children. I have often looked at times like this as a goodbye, but over the years I have learned it is really just a I will see you again later. Though this is true it is still a hard time so all prayers are appreciated! Thank you again for the prayers! Keep them coming.