Life Can Change Quickly

Life can change in a matter of minutes. I woke up this morning to find out a friend had lost a lake house that she and her husband had built. He died a few years ago and recently she sold her home and moved into a mother in law’s sweet at her dear daughter’s home. She had reasoned that keeping up two places was just too much so she would keep the lake house so the family could gather there in the summer and on holidays as they have for years. She chose to move many of her treasures like pictures and special memorabilia to the lake house for safe keeping since they would not fit in the small apartment.
Early this morning she received a call that changed everything. Apparently a fire had started on the back deck. The house was engulfed in flames immediately with the dry weather and nothing had been saved. We drove up to the lake this morning early to be with my friend and try to comfort her. As we drove up she was heaving with tears. Our hearts were breaking too and tears filled my eyes. As I held her and she just wept. There was nothing that could console until God placed verses from His word on my heart and I began to speak the verses He gave to me. Soon the sobs subsided and she was able to calm her emotions. What nothing else could do His word was the comfort.
The silver lining if there can be one when everything is charred was that they found a few special things. A stone that was engraved in remembrance of her husband was a precious treasure. The volunteer firefighter who was like family to her dug through the smoldering soot to pull out a hand full of pictures that were seared around the edges. A picture of her wedding day, a few pictures from her childhood and a picture taken with her daughter were burned but salvageable. A few pipes of a wind chime given to her when her husband died were among the treasures.
God reminded me today that we are to hold things loosely. The only thing eternal is our relationship with God and others who claim Him as Savior. He also reminded me that He is there even in the darkest experiences and He cares about us leaving a few treasures along the way. I was reminded of the value of family and friends when your darkest days come. And most of all His Word can bring peace when nothing else can suffice.
My sweet friend is learning to praise Him in the dark and she is being a bright light for Him. Please join me in praying for my friend and ask the Father to show her the next steps.