The Healer

John 9:13-25: Do you know people who try to make the Bible say things it doesn’t say to fit into their theology? John 9 tells the story of a man born blind. Jesus heals him by making a mud mask for his eye and telling him to go and wash. When he does the man can see. The Pharisees were livid that Jesus would heal on the Sabbath. The man was thrilled he could see. The Pharisees tried to play it off like the man had not been blind but the man’s parents confirmed he had been blind from birth. The Pharisees had asked who healed him. All the blind now seeing man knew is that it was Jesus. How he did not know but all he knew was that he could see. Again the Pharisees wanting to catch Jesus in something called Him a sinner for healing on the sabbath. I love the man’s response,

9: 25 He answered, “Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”

Many of us might share the same testimony. We don’t know all of who Jesus is. We can’t make others understand Him or even defend Him to those who have predisposed agendas. All we know is that once we were spiritually blind and now we see. Our testimony of healing may not change the mind of those who just want to argue, but for those who know us and know who we once were and now see a difference in us they believe in the power of the One who heals. May we all live today as Spiritually Seeing souls sharing the message of our Healer.