What did I do Wrong?

John 9:1-12: When bad things happen to someone are you tempted to ask what they did wrong that such bad would happen to them? That is exactly what happened in John 9. A man was blind from birth and the question was asked, “Who sinned the man or his parents?” Jesus’ response was neither of them, but that the blindness came so that people would see the glory of God. Our minds struggle to comprehend such answers. Even when Lazarus was raised from the dead much heartache had come to his family and friends, but when he was brought back to life it was so that the crowd of unbelievers could see the glory of God revealed and many believed.

When we are going through hard times we may be asking the same question, “what did I do wrong?” It may be that God just wants to do something really big in your life and allow others to see His power at work within you. Job’s life is a great example of this. The lesson we learn from him is to keep living according to God’s plan even when things don’t go right. In time He will rebuild, restore and renew you.

If you are in a hard time today, take time to pray and know the comfort of the Father. Acknowledge Him and His ways and remind Him that you trust Him even when things don’t go the way you want. Then thank Him that by being faithful and walking right in Him even though this difficult time you can be thankful others will see His glory revealed in you.